Safeco Insurance Reviews

We are incredibly proud to be a local Colorado insurance broker of SafeCo Insurance. Our clients have had a ton of success with SafeCo, we’ve often quoted really good insurance rates through our SafeCo insurance policies mainly because Safeco provides great stability and has been less likely to increase their insurance rates for Colorado.

But before they sign their insurance contract, many of our clients like to research the insurance company before signing up. We always encourage our clients to do this. We want them to do as much research as possible because you should be 100% comfortable with your insurance selection.

Learn more about SafeCo insurance with this handy link to reviews on Safeco Insurance:

What You Should Know about Safeco Insurance Company:

  1. Safeco, the parent company is Liberty Mutual Insurance.
  2. Liberty Mutual Insurance ranks on the Fortune 100 list of the largest U.S. corporations.
  3. They are the 5th largest property and casualty carrier in America.
  4. The company has been insuring clients since 1923.
  5. The company has financial strength ratings to ensure that their clients are properly serviced:
  • A (Excellent) from the A.M. Best Company
  • A2 (Good) from Moody’s Investors Service
  • A- (Strong) from Standard & Poor’s

Safeco is one of the few insurance companies that has not dramatically increased their Colorado insurance rates in recent years. This is a great sign of financial stability and a strong management team.

Get a Free Safeco Insurance Quote by simply filling out the form below. 

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