Why Get an Independent Life Insurance Agent

Denver Life Insurance:

Nowadays, you can insure everything from your most prized possessions to your furry friends.  Still, it’s fair to say that no policy is quite as vital as life insurance, which is why having a trusted independent life insurance agent is so important. We break down the key advantages of having a life insurance agent when you are shopping for life insurance in Colorado – spoiler alert! It has to do with saving you money on life insurance and making sure your family is properly covered in the event of your death ?

This is a hard subject to talk about. Your life is, after all, out of your control. Some theorize that your life isn’t something you lose, but rather is just given. With this gift we are able to do great things and influence many people. Part of this great influence is why life insurance is so crucial. When we die we want to ensure that our loved ones and dependents have the financial umbrella needed to continue and try to build anew.

The bottom line is, you can’t protect yourself from illnesses, accidents or death. If you or a loved one dies, money would be the last thing we’d want to think about. Funeral costs are a huge, sudden financial burden placed on the living. However, these costs would all be taken care of with a life insurance policy in place.

Shockingly, though, 40% of Americans haven’t got life insurance. If you’re one of those people, you need to address this immediately. I know, if you’ve Denver Life Insurance Agent, Colorado Life Insurance Agency, Colorado Life Insurance Agency, Best Colorado Life Insurance Company, Best Colorado Life insurance agentnever done it before, life insurance can seem kinda confusing. There are so many life insurance companies out there, and you’ll also need to decide between a private or independent life insurance agent. Let me spare you some trouble – an independent life insurance broker makes this decision a no-brainer.

These are the insurance brokers who will shop the best life insurance policies so that you don’t have to.

Our Denver life insurance agents, for instance, will get to know exactly what you need and what fits your budget, and then apply that knowledge to the insurance shopping process.

They return with the results with your best options available. From there, you can ask our insurance agent any questions that come up and make an informed decision and choose a plan that works for you. If we can’t find a plan that fits your needs? No harm, no foul, just let us know.

Independent life insureance brokers have a broad view of the Colorado life insurance market

When you operate through a captive insurance agent, you have limited access to the life insurance policies their company represents. That means in order to find the best life insurance policy at the right price, you have to do the groundwork yourself, or you could potentially be getting a bad deal. Luckily, that’s not something you need to worry about with independent insurance agents who aren’t tied to any one company policy. Instead, they’ll study the market, both saving you work, money and time to ensure you are always getting the best option.

Independent insurance agents can save you money on life insurance

Independent insurance brokers also have the know-how and connections you need to save you money on your life insurance policy. They have the contacts and experience to know when a discount is possible, or how you could bring prices down. This sort of knowledge can save you thousands in the long-run.

Furthermore, life insurance companies will give discounts to independent insurance brokers because they are reputable agents.

At Denver Insurance, that savings are passed onto you.  We charge no broker fees for our service.

We are always on your side

Part of what makes shopping for life insurance (or any other insurance policy) so hard is the feeling that no one else is in your corner. By comparison to captive agents, an independent broker is sure to look out for your best interest. That’s because independent life insurance brokers don’t work for anyone but you, and that will be evident when you consider where their loyalties lie. They won’t be trying to sell you the insurance policy that their company provides. Instead, they’ll be shopping around to save you as much money as they can to make sure that you’re happy with their service.

If you’re interested in getting a life insurance quote from an independent life insurance broker, then don’t hesitate to contact us at Denver Insurance and we can shop your rates and get you a quote within a day

Denver Insurance LLC’s editorial content is not written by an insurance agent. It’s intended for informational purposes and should not be considered legal or financial advice. Consult a professional Denver Insurance Agent to learn what financial products are right for you.

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